Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hand Made 93/94 Deck Box

I realized that storing beautiful old school cards in a cheap plastic box is like hanging a Rembrandt in a Burger King. I wanted to start another fun project so I decided to make this wooden deck box.

Safe and secure.

Ready for battle!

The box has a sliding top lid with a magnetic latch in the front and back of the lid.

If anyone tries to build their own box here are some things I learned.

* To keep it from wobbling keep at least two sides 1/4 inch thick. The other sides can be as thin as 1/8 of an inch. Also, I think side loaders are more stable than top loaders, but am not 100% sure.

* This Plastic Wood is amazing! I used it a lot when I filed away too much by accident.

* To get the wood I went to a Hobby Lobby and bought a pre-made box and cut it up. Only cost $4 and the wood is nice and light. I think its Balsa wood.

****** UPDATE ********

I realized that the best design is to use a cork lining under the lid.

Magnates are simply too prone to squeaking. Cork is better than magnets because it eliminates ALL squeaks entirely, allows the lid to fit more snugly and not wobble, allows a lot more room for error when making the box, and holds the lid in place!