Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A lot of people ask my why I don't make more proxies. Well, I don't make them too often because I'm super obsessive about my cards and want everything to be perfect.

Here's an example of one of my proxies:

Looks good right? --Wrong! If you look closely at the text you can see that it's just not quite right. Check out this 1200x scan of this proxy next to a real magic card: 
(Yes I spelled original wrong I'd fix it but I'm lazy)

As you can see the text looks a little bit blurry (Laser jet looks much worse so I don't even include it in comparison). This is the problem with my proxies--I just never figured out a way to reproduce the text quality of a real magic card. Even if I had an offset printing press I would still need to get the same plates that Wizzard's uses.

The image quality of inkjets, on the other hand, is much nicer than offset lithography.  Look at the bottom part of the border under the manna symbols. Inkjet doesn't have the dots that you see in offset printing. 

Anyway, this is why I like making alternate art cards. You get amazing art and the same feel of a real card!

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