Friday, June 7, 2024

Black Lotus Misprint Mystery


Recently there has been some controversy on the MTG misprint 

subreddit and in various email threads about the authenticity 

of this card: 



I was contacted by the owner of the card and asked for my opinion on its authenticity.


 Firstly, let me say that he did not ask me to write this blog post, I'm not affiliated with him in any way 

and have no incentive to write this post other than my own interest in the topic. 

The question is: is this card a genuine test print/misprint. Or stated another way, was this card printed by a WotC 



At first glance the card appears to be fake. It's clearly printed on top of a 2000 championship blank.

My immediate assumption was that someone used the technique presented on my blog to simply print on top 

of the blank. I responded as much, but then added that I couldn't know for sure without seeing the card under 

a jeweler's loupe. A few months later I was sent this:



We clearly see a rosette pattern. The rosette pattern does not match that of

 a real lotus nor would we expect it to since the original lotus plates are assumed to be destroyed.  


A rosette pattern is an anti counterfeit measure that is worked into a printing plate used in offset lithography


We also see that the art was clearly printed on top of the blank. Notice the art alignment. 



In my opinion, a rosette pattern can ONLY be produced from a stamp being pressed into the card. 


This card was not created using an inkjet printer nor was it created using a laser jet as many people

 in the magic community are incorrectly stating. 

Inkjets simply do not have the capability of printing at a resolution fine enough to create the pattern

 we see under the loupe.


 Laser printers also are not capable of printing at this resolution. I know of no technique that 

would allow laser toner to adhere to an actual magic card and 

even if somehow the toner could adhere to the card the heat would likely cause warping.


The bottom line is home printers can not print such an extraordinarily fine resolution--not even close. 

So now you can see why I find this card so interesting. Either this person invented the greatest proxy 

technique of all time or this card was printed by an offset lithography printer.

So we have a mystery on our hands and other interesting clues to examine. 

Notice the dot in the text box. 

It appears to be an attempt to reproduce the dot present in an actual lotus.


I suppose if someone were to attempt to print this card and sell it off as a test print it might occur to

 them to reproduce this dot, but why would they try to sell a test print when they clearly have the technology to 

print the most convincing fakes of all time? 

The font exhibits no rosette pattern of its own which genuine cards do not. This is because the font is

 stamped onto a card in a separate process from stamping the art as is done in authentic cards.

 The font also appears to match perfectly the font of a real lotus. 

Here is close up of the font of the casting cost:



The font looks beautiful. This sharpness of font can only be attained by pressing

typeset onto the card.

Here is another interesting piece of the puzzle. 



Those appear to be Machine Identification Code (MIC) dots. Decoding the MIC dots should be able to 

identify the printer used and solve the mystery. Unfortunately dot codes are kept secret and we don't even

 know what printer was used, if we did we could contact the manufacturer and ask about the dots and perhaps 

track down the guy who printed it or at least prove what printer was used.

Then several months after I was contacted this post appeared on Reddit   asking if these are real cards:

They appear to be made by whomever made the lotus in question. Attempts to reach the poster to ask for 

clues about the origins of their cards have failed.

So this leaves us with many clues and no clear answers.


Its a rather unfortunate circumstance for the owner who 

contacted me. The card will only have value if it can be authenticated and it saddens me that the Magic 

community so quickly dismissed his claims despite being presented with a rosette pattern.

Now I should state that there are plenty of fake cards printed with rosette patterns. These fakes, so far, have 

come out of China and are printed on offset lithography printers, 

but they use counterfeit card stock and thus are easy to ID as fake when held. 

This lotus has a rosette pattern printed on genuine card stock. This is not something that the Chinese proxy 

makers would produce or maybe even could produce.

My personal speculation is that some WotC employee wanted to make proxies for themselves. 

They obviously had the technology to produce an unbelievable fake, but instead chose to go out 

of their way to make the card look like a proxy. They didn't even bother to check their spelling.  

These oversights, to me, imply good will on the part of the maker. 


I have no idea why they had a plate made with lotus art on it, but they did. They also had the font type on

hand. Did they perhaps attach this 2000 championship blank to a carrier sheet and run it through an offset printer?

Who would have the ability to print such a compelling reproduction so casually other than 

a WotC employee or someone who worked with WotC in the past? 

What do you think?

Can anyone at WotC verify the authenticity of this card?




  1. Hello,
    This post shows your lack of experience with laser printers. I have hundreds of laser printed fake non-foil MTG cards for use as proxies, and the toner adheres just fine to real MTG cardstock.
    The heat doesn't warp the cards. Also no warping problems with a couple laser printed fake foil cards, but there's probably more likely to be a problem with foils, depending on the feed path of the printer.
    A high resolution scan and a 1200 DPI laser printer can reproduce a facsimile of the rosette pattern. Not an exact match, but it resembles a rosette to those who don't know better. Unfortunately I don't see a way to post a comparison photo here.

    The rosette pattern is not an anti-counterfeiting measure.
    It's an industry standard as the least distracting moire pattern, which is a side effect of amplitude modulation halftone printing.

    The MIC identifies the card as having been produced by a laser printer. An offset printing press doesn't produce MIC.
    Decoding information is available online if you know where to look. The printer manufacturer won't provide the identity of who originally purchased the printer unless you're law enforcement, because that's a privacy issue.

    The sharpness of the font is because it's Adobe Postscript, combined with what software is controlling the printing.
    I'd rather not reveal all the details because we don't need more fake cards with crisp fonts, but laser printers can do this. I did it accidentally one day.

    I confirm that all of the original Lotus printing plates were destroyed in 1994.

    This card has already been shown to people at WotC and two MTG print facilities, along with a couple grading companies for good measure, and everyone agrees that this card was home made on a laser printer.
    An offset press would require at least 4 printing plates, which would be cost prohibitive for someone to print a few proxy cards. Additionally, it would require multiple people and hours to set up the printing press for that print run, so it's not something that could be done casually or go unnoticed. The press needs to be calibrated before every print run, which consumes a lot of cardstock and ink. This calibration process makes the project even more cost prohibitive, and couldn't be done without other people noticing.

    Even if someone had managed to sneakily create it inside a real MTG print facility (which is so incredibly unlikely that it's fair to use the word impossible), the resulting card would not be considered a test print.
    WotC doesn't own any print facilities. They hire other companies to print stuff for them.
    A test print is something requested by WotC, carefully made by the print facility, and then provided to WotC for review.
    Something made without permission, and not provided to WotC, simply isn't a test print.

    I agree that the spelling oversights imply good will on the part of the maker. The card is intended for proxy use.


    1. Thank you for the thoughtful reply. Would you be able to email me a picture of your laser prints under a loupe? I can either update my post with the corrected information or perhaps remove the post entirely if the rosette is really that convincing.

    2. One Month Later;
      I can confirm that all the photos and "evidence" provided by Tavis King was proven to be manipulated using Photoshop and/or compressed to the extent whereby the images were scaled down to mere KB in size, without the possiblity to zoom in for clarification. I can also confirm that ALL but 1 photo that I have provided has been nothing but original, untouched, unedited images of the card. (The one exception being the original photo posted by the seller who sold it to me, albeit lower quality as it was saved from a cached web page) Taken directly from my device and shared to all parties concerned. No nonsense inbetween!
      The only agreement I can come to terms with, is the presence of yellow MIC dots that were first confirmed to me via Ryan Rooks in an email analysis..
      Be that as it may, I wish to reiterate furthermore that whatever Tavis achieved with his own tests, was only possible using Acetone to blank the surface of the entire card. The card I own shows NO signs or evidence of Acetone being used prior to printing. This means that, the Black Lotus artwork and more importantly, the sharp black ink text, was printed OVER and ON TOP of existing ink from the card's factory printed template; The gold frame/border areas etc. Tavis is an expert on MTG but he is not a printing expert; to print ink on top of pre-existing ink without printing anomalies is extremely difficult to say the least :)
      I confronted Tavis about this in an email, to encourage him or anyone else to replicate this with 1:1 quality, though he tried assuring me that it was "unnecessary" and "would not prove authentication". Well, why not put your money where your mouth is? No further comment from Tavis, who is solely clinging onto the yellow MIC dots - nothing more and nothing less.
      I would love to be proven wrong but as far as I am concerned, this card cannot be replicated using injket or laserjet printers without the aid of Acetone. There is also NOTHING about Adobe Postscript being used on word fonts for Magic or other trading cards on Google searches, therefore this claim sounds bogus to me. Talk is cheap.
      I was decent enough to provide the sellers information to Tavis, who has tried to get more information from the seller. But why chase the seller for more information if you are so confident that my card is a fake? Food for thought.
      The seller claims he has another Black Lotus, BUT NOT THE SAME AS MINE, after sending dozens of emails I received confirmation that my card truly is unique. The seller also claimed to have a "letter from Hasbro" about my card, but unfortunately this is just hearsay.
      I also sent dozens of emails to Kaws134, the owner of the 3 cards shown in this same blog, though these are all missing black text. Unfortunately, this person has failed to provide me better images of the cards, specifically the Black Lotus, to verify the presence of Rosette Patterns etc. Therefore I can only assume this to be a Hoax. (The post has also since been removed from Reddit for breaking their TOS)
      Upon finishing, I will leave this on a cliffhanger; to be continued? -Holabalooser.

  2. Between 3:00 to 6:00 minutes in his video, Tavis King shows various test/sample documentation of MTG cards, from Wizards of The Coast that was printed using a Laserjet printer! and the best part? This matches the timeframe of my Gold Black Lotus; circa year 2000. I rest my case;
